South Half, Lot 6, Concession 3, Calvert Township, District of Cochrane, Ontario, 160 acres or 64.7 hectares. Located two miles east of Trans-Canada Highway 11 and two miles west of the town of Iroquois Falls, this large tract of land measures two thousand, six hundred feet on each of its four sides. Topographically the land appears level throughout with a small stream in the northern sector which slowly flows northward before emptying into the Abitibi River three miles distant. Tree harvesting took place approximately twenty years ago and the land is now covered in a mix of good-sized poplar and spruce. Perfect habitat for the abundant game in the area. An underground pipeline also passes diagonally through the property where moose and bear are often seen foraging on the grass. There is an eighty acre section of Crown land which borders the entire east half of the northern boundary. This connects to Oil Tank Road, a half mile north where power and telephone services pass by. There used to be a good trail through the Crown land to the property but it has grown in over time. Another section of Crown land is located at the southwest corner. With a little work, one could have their own private retreat. Price $45,550.00, payable $7,990.00 deposit with order and sixty monthly payments of $626.00 each, and interest; or $40,995.00 (being 10% off) if paid $7,996.00 deposit with order and $32,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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