Northwest Quarter, Section 36, Pattullo Township, District of Rainy River, Ontario, 160 acres or 64.75 hectares. This large tract of land is situated in a semi-remote area thirty miles northeast of the town of Rainy River. Square in shape, each side measures two thousand, six hundred feet and Crown land borders the east, west and northern boundaries. An unopened road allowance passes along the north side which separates Pattullo and Sifton Townships. Majority of the east and west sections are low as there are creeks and ponds throughout those parts of the property, however the entire centre section, from north to south, consists of a large treed area. This cover, along with the creeks, ponds and open wetlands provides the perfect habitat for the many moose in the area. Pinewood River is less than one hundred yards south of the property. From the hamlet of Dearlock, and Highway 600, proceed south one mile on a good seasonal road to a trail leading west toward the property one and a half miles distant. An argo is best suited as the old trail deviates around a couple of wet areas and passes through the Crown land before reaching the northwest sector of the property. Another trail appears to lead from the west but only an on-site inspection would determine the best route. Price $15,550.00, payable $2,950.00 deposit with order and fifty monthly payments of $252.00 each, and interest; or $13,995.00 (being 10% off) if paid $2,966.00 deposit with order and $10,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.
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