Part I, Lot 16, Concession 4, Howland Township, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, 5.45 acres or 2.2 hectares. Located less than ten miles southwest of the town of Little Current, this recreational property is a great place to enjoy all seasons. Rectangular in shape, it measures six hundred and sixty feet on its north and south sides with a depth of three hundred and sixty feet. Topographically the land is level and covered in a variety of young and mature trees which provides perfect habitat for the abundant white tail deer in this region. Semi-remote, access is via unopened road allowances along the complete west and south boundaries. It should not prove too difficult to open and clear a trail along the southern road allowance as the Perch Lake seasonal road/trail is only two hundred and twenty yards east of the property. That route leads to Green Bush Road just over a half mile to the north. Lightly settled, one is sure to enjoy the solitude of the region. There are a few small seasonal cabins in the region and in the outlying areas there are some windmills where old farms were once located. Town of Little Current provides all necessary goods and services as well as boat launching facilities for those looking to spend a day fishing or boating the clear blue waters of Lake Huron. Price $14,440.00, payable $2,990.00 deposit with order and fifty monthly payments of $229.00 each, and interest; or $12,996.00 (being 10% off) if paid $2,997.00 deposit with order and $9,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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