Part 1, Plan 21R-5210, Part Lot 25, Concession 1, Airport Road, Township of Herschel, County of Hastings, Ontario, 1 acre. Situated seven miles northwest of the town of Bancroft, this surveyed property is close enough to all amenities yet far enough away for one to enjoy the solitude of this region. Offering a southern exposure, this lot has one hundred and fifty feet of year round roadfrontage on the north side of Airport Road. Power and telephone services pass along this route. Rectangular in shape, the east and west sides have a depth of three hundred feet. A provincial topographic map indicates the land is high, dry and level and is well treed in a variety of hardwood. This region known as the Madawaska Highlands consists of forested rises and valleys with streams and lakes of various sizes. For the most part, the area remains lightly settled with a mix of small farms, homes and family cottages. A half mile east and one mile west are hundreds of acres of Crown land, both accessible from Airport Road. This public land borders Albion, Baumheur and Card Lakes, all within two miles. To reach the property follow Airport Road northwest from Bancroft, five miles past the airport to the parcel located a quarter mile past Albion Lake Drive. Price $26,660.00, payable $3,960.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $454.00 each, and interest; or $23,994.00 (being 10% off) if paid $3,995.00 cash with order and $19,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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