Lot 18, Concession 2, Township of Kennedy, District of Cochrane, Ontario, 150 acres or 60.7 hectares. Situated twelve miles east of the town of Cochrane, this large tract is ideally located within an unorganized township. Rectangular in shape, it measures approximately three thousand, nine hundred feet on the east and west sides and boasts of a width of one thousand, six hundred feet. It also has well over a mile of good gravel roadfrontage which pass all along the complete western and northern boundaries. This should provide easy access to any section of this offering. South side, borders hundreds of thousands of acres of Crown land for those who enjoy hunting, fishing and exploring. Most trees were harvested ten years ago – however, there are large sections of spruce and poplar remaining as well as a large field with additional pockets of spruce in the northwest sector. Moose tracks are evident in the grass and clay soil as they appear to browse on the newer growth. To reach the property, simply follow Highway 652 east from Cochrane to Murphy Road. Proceed north just under a mile to the southwest corner of this large, interesting property. Price $36,660.00, payable $4,660.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $640.00 each, and interest; or $32,994.00 (being 10% off) if paid $4,995.00 cash with order and $27,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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