Lot 1, Plan 68782, New Boston Road, Catalone, Cape Breton County, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 10.1 acres or 4.08 hectares. Fully surveyed, it offers three hundred and thirty-two feet of year round roadfrontage on the north side of New Boston Road – where both power and telephone services are available. To the rear, the 12 Mile Brook acts as the northern boundary for the complete distance of one hundred and seventy-six feet. This is sure to enhance the sights and sounds of this quiet setting which has only a handful of homes in the area. Tree cover consists of young and mature spruce, birch and maple providing ample privacy and shade. Depth on the east and west averages just over two thousand feet. Bordering Crown land on its west side, the survey line is wide and well-marked providing easy access to the rivers edge. Located at the eastern end of Nova Scotia, it is situated twelve miles southeast of Sydney. Simply follow Highway 22 south from Sydney, over the famed Mira River, to the village of Catalone. Turn west on the New Boston Road and proceed to the property two miles distant. Six miles further south is Louisbourg, on the shores of the Atlantic, with its deep rooted historical significance. Price $18,880.00, payable $2,980.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $318.00 each, and interest; or $16,992.00 (being 10% off) if paid $2,993.00 cash with order and $13,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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