PID 40264087, Rabbit Road, Miramichi, Parish of Chatham, County of Northumberland, New Brunswick, 135 acres or 54.9 hectares. This large tract of land has over five hundred and fifty feet of road frontage on the south side of Rabbit Road (also known as Dunphy Road) – a seasonal route best suited for a four wheel drive. It is located two kilometers south of the village of Douglasfield in a quiet undeveloped area. Depth on the east and west sides averages eight thousand feet. About halfway, the width opens to nine hundred and fifty feet and remains so for the entire south half. A wetlands area is located in the central sector where a small creek passes through. Topographically the entire south half of the property is fully treed in evergreen except where a power line passes through, and the north half is covered in a mix of spruce and poplar. There is an old entrance off Rabbit Road that continues approximately four hundred yards into the property although it may require some thinning due to disuse over time. Easy to reach, follow Barrieaus Street south from Douglasfield Road. Turn east on Rabbit Road and follow one kilometer to the property on the south side. The famed Miramichi River is less than four kilometers north and the riverside city of Miramichi is the same distance northwest for all goods and services. The river eventually empties into the Atlantic, fourteen kilometers northeast. New Price $35,880.00, $38,880.00, payable with $2,900.00 deposit with order and the balance within thirty days thereafter. A monthly payment option will not be available for this property.

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