Lot 02-5, Plan 15544175, Renauds Mills Road, Wellington Parish, Kent County, New Brunswick, 13.72 acres or 5.5 hectares. Completely surveyed, the northeast boundary of this large triangular parcel of land measures one thousand, two hundred and fifty four feet. Nine hundred and thirty-four feet of that is paved, year round roadfrontage on the west side of Renauds Mills Road. Northwest boundary is over one thousand, one hundred feet and the width on the south side measures nine hundred and seventy-seven feet. Topographically the land is mainly level and fully treed in a variety of large, mature cover except for a small low area in the far west sector. Electrical services are approximately six hundred meters to the south. One will have several choices for any future building considerations. Lightly settled and centrally located, the Atlantic coastline is only seven kilometers east and the oceanside town of Buctouche is a further nine kilometers north. Four kilometers to the west is the Village of St. Antoine offering a good range of supplies and the city of Moncton is only thirty-four kilometers south for all goods and services. The perfect location to build your permanent home or seasonal retreat within minutes from the ocean and nearby brooks and rivers. Adventure in all directions! Price $30,996.00, ($34,440.00 less 10%) payable $2,900.00 deposit with order and the balance within thirty days thereafter. There is no monthly payment option for this property.

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