PID 25024985, Adamsville, Parish of Harcourt, Kent County, New Brunswick, 50 acres or 20.2 hectares. This large parcel of land is located thirty miles north of the city of Moncton and the same distance west of the oceanside towns of Richibucto and Buctouche. Rectangular in shape, this level, dry, fully treed bush lot measures three thousand, three hundred feet on the north and south sides with a width of six hundred and sixty on the east and west sides. Northern boundary is surveyed and has an old wire fence. It borders a large section of Crown land that leads to St. Sosime, three hundred yards north. Although Highway 126 is only one hundred yards east, a rail line in between hinders access from that direction. There is an old rock wall along the west of the property which borders an unopened road allowance. Another unopened road allowance is in place along the east side where a small trail is located. Best trail access appears to lead south from St. Sosime Road through the Crown land to the centre of the northern boundary of the property. There are a number of trails from the south as well. Only an on-site inspection would determine the best options for access. Should be the perfect setting to unwind and enjoy the tranquil surroundings. Price $24,440.00, payable $4,940.00 deposit with order and fifty monthly payments of $390.00 each, and interest; or $21,996.00 (being 10% off) if paid $4,997.00 deposit with order and $16,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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