PID 25449687, Southeast side of Richard Road, Weldford Parish, Kent County, New Brunswick, 11 acres or 4.45 hectares. This good sized parcel of land is located twenty-five miles north of the city of Moncton and only sixteen miles west of the Atlantic coastline. It has five hundred feet of roadfrontage on the southeast side of Richard Road and the depth on the southwest and northeast sides averages one thousand feet. Lots of room for a “cabin in the woods”. Tree cover is a variety of poplar and maple with some evergreen as well. This quiet rural setting is situated a half mile west of the small hamlet of St. Norbert and Highway 495 is three miles further southeast. It eventually leads to the village of Ste. Marie de Kent alongside the wide, calm waters of the Buctouche River. Rich in Acadian history, there are a number of small villages in the region and the bigger communities such as Buctouche and Richibucto are located alongside the ocean. City of Moncton offers all the conveniences of a modern city. Needless to say, fresh seafood and maritime hospitality is abundant. A quiet country setting, close to the city and the ocean – sounds like this has all the criteria you’ve been looking for. Price $9,990.00, payable $990.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $180.00 each, and interest; or $8,991.00 (being 10% off) if paid $992.00 cash with order and $7,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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