PID 25447608, Weldford Parish, County of Kent, New Brunswick, 30 acres or 12.14 hectares. Fully treed, cover consists of a mixed variety of spruce, poplar, birch, maple and pine. Lots of privacy for a cabin in the woods and lots of prime habitat for the abundant game in the area as well. Ideally located twentyfive miles north of the City of Moncton, simply follow Highway 490 north then west on Richards Road for two miles. Small hamlet of St. Norbert is a mile further east. Rectangular in shape, the property has five hundred feet of roadfrontage on the north side of Richard Road and a depth of approximately two thousand six hundred feet on its east and west sides. Situated fifteen miles west of the Atlantic coastline, the parcel rests in a quiet rural setting where neighbours are few and far between. There are several brooks located in the region such as Big Brook, Murphy Brook and the west and south branches of the St. Nicholas Brook. Coal Branch River, Richibucto River and the Buctouche River are also within a short drive. Needless to say there are many opportunities for those who enjoy fishing and swimming, boating and sightseeing. Price $19,990.00, payable $2,990.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $340.00 each, and interest; or $17,991.00 (being 10% off) if paid $2,992.00 cash with order and $14,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.

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